Feb 1, 2022

NYC Medicare Advantage Plus

On April 1, 2022, City of New York retirees plan will transition from Traditional Medicare + Supplement coverage to a Medicare Advantage PPO plan called NYC Medicare Advantage Plus.

We wanted to make you aware NYC Medicare Advantage Plus members have access to BlueCross BlueShield Medicare Advantage PPO Network Sharing. As a participating Medicare Advantage PPO provider, you are considered participating for these members. You will be reimbursed based on your contract with your local Blue Plan:

•           Member ID cards will include the MA PPO Suitcase logo.

•           Members will receive ID cards in March prior to the April 1, 2022, effective date.

You can verify eligibility and benefits online through your local Blue Provider Portal or by call BlueCard Eligibility at 800-676-BLUE (2583) and provide the prefix N6Y.

Beginning April 1, 2022, all claims for NYC Medicare Advantage Plus members should be filed to your local Blue Plan using the prefix N6Y.