You may have patients eligible for HouseCall by Blue, a home-based medical care program offered by BCBSRI in collaboration with Landmark Health, a New England-based in-home medical group. This communication offers a snapshot/overview of the program and patient eligibility.
Identifying eligible patients:
- Eligibility is based on a patient’s current health state, number of chronic conditions, and complex health needs. All eligible patients have multiple chronic health conditions, and may also face social and behavioral barriers to health.
- To check on eligibility for a patient, review the BCBSRI Monthly Patient Panel File for a “HouseCall by Blue” flag.
- You can also call Landmark Health to check eligibility or request services for eligible patients at 1-877-255-3259, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. EST.
Ongoing communication:
- You will receive a letter when your patient(s) is/are eligible for HouseCall by Blue. Visit notes will be shared with your office based on your preferred method of communication.
- Landmark’s community health advocates will share a list of eligible patients and their engagement status with your practice on a regular basis.
Working together:
The local Landmark provider group looks forward to collaborating with you on patient needs and goals. Best practices for collaboration include:
- Landmark community health advocates working with your practice’s provider and nursing team and office staff to ensure patient notes are shared effectively and communication channels are open.
- Landmark embedding in the practice office to call eligible patients or conduct warm transfer calls.
- Meetings with your practice, Landmark Health, and BCBSRI to discuss program opportunities and successes.
Contact Landmark:
Call Landmark to request an in-service for office staff, discuss patient care, receive an updated list of eligible patients on your panel, or refer a patient to Landmark. Referrals will be considered between Landmark and BCBSRI. Call 1-877-255-3259, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., EST.