BlueInsights is the Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island (BCBSRI) employer reporting platform that provides self-service analytics on cost, utilization, and clinical measures—complete with print-ready report packaging. For access to BlueInsights, brokers may contact any of their BCBSRI account executives.
Here are some tips to help you get the most from BlueInsights.
New: Time-trending in presentation reports
This feature enables users to schedule presentation reports, such as the Cost & Utilization Key Indicators report, that will generate on a recurring basis using the client’s most current available data. For example, if you were to refresh Client A’s data in September 2021 and then select a paid period of "last 12 months,” you could expect to see 09/2020-08/2021 as the paid months in the report. This eliminates the need to change the dates each month, creating an automated recurring report.
Featured report: Enrollment by Coverage Type
The Enrollment by Coverage Type summary report provides a year-over-year trend of membership broken down by coverage types; specifically, medical, dental, and pharmacy. Like all reports, this can be customized based on the purpose of the analysis.
How to get online help
Users can click on the widget in the upper right-hand corner of the home screen to open the BCBSRI resource center. From there you can navigate to online help, where you’ll find documentation about the specific BCBSRI BlueInsights modules—Healthcare Economics, Employer Reporting, and Stop Loss—as well as our platform documentation. This will help you navigate features and functionality and provide detailed information on reports, metrics, and sorting/filtering options. New release notes will be posted to online help each quarter.